Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 18 Issue 04

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Volume 18, No. 4
Pages 80 - 87


Ocean Internal Waves Observed in the Lombok Strait

By R. Dwi Susanto , Leonid Mitnik, and Quanan Zheng 
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The Indonesian seas, with their complex coastline geometry and bathymetry, narrow passages, stratified waters, and strong tidal currents, are favorable places for the generation of intensive ocean internal waves. Internal waves, which occur within the subsurface layers of the ocean where density stratification is strong, are generated when the interface between layers is disturbed. Disturbances are often caused by tidal flow passing over shallow underwater obstacles such as a sill or a shallow ridge. Internal waves are commonly observed in the Lombok Strait, one of the outflow straits of the Indonesian throughflow (ITF) (see Gordon, this issue), which transports water from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean.


Susanto, R.D., L. Mitnik, and Q. Zheng. 2005. Ocean internal waves observed in the Lombok Strait. Oceanography 18(4):80–87, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2005.08.

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