Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 20 Issue 04

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Volume 20, No. 4
Pages 20 - 29


Ocean Exploration: Discovery and Offshore Stewardship

By James J. Kendall Jr. , Thomas E. Ahlfeld , Gregory S. Boland , Jack B. Irion, and John J. McDonough 
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The time is August 2, 2007, and a blue, white, and red titanium flag rests on the soil of an alien world. The explorers who planted it, tucked safely within the confines of their twin vehicles, are safe from a deadly temperature and pressure differential but miles from any other human contact. Moments later, both craft lift off and head skyward, mission accomplished, but the risks are far from over as they head upward, looking to dock with their mother ship.


Kendall, J.J., Jr., T.E. Ahlfeld, G.S. Boland, J.B. Irion, and J.J. McDonough. 2007. Ocean exploration: Discovery and offshore stewardship. Oceanography 20(4):20–29, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2007.01.

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