Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 24 Issue 01

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Volume 24, No. 1
Pages 70 - 89


Multiscale Physical and Biological Dynamics in the Philippine Archipelago: Predictions and Processes

By Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux , Patrick J. Haley Jr., Wayne G. Leslie , Arpit Agarwal , Oleg G. Logutov, and Lisa J. Burton  
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Article Abstract

The Philippine Archipelago is remarkable because of its complex geometry, with multiple islands and passages, and its multiscale dynamics, from the large-scale open-ocean and atmospheric forcing, to the strong tides and internal waves in narrow straits and at steep shelfbreaks. We employ our multiresolution modeling system to predict and study multiscale dynamics in the region, without the use of any synoptic in situ data, so as to evaluate modeling capabilities when only sparse remotely sensed sea surface height is available for assimilation. We focus on the February to March 2009 period, compare our simulation results to ocean observations, and utilize our simulations to quantify and discover oceanic features in the region. The findings include: the physical drivers for the biogeochemical features; the diverse circulation features in each sub-sea and their variations on multiple scales; the flow fields within the major straits and their variability; the transports to and from the Sulu Sea and the corresponding balances; and finally, the multiscale mechanisms involved in the formation of the deep Sulu Sea water.


Lermusiaux, P.F.J., P.J. Haley Jr., W.G. Leslie, A. Agarwal, O.G. Logutov, and L.J. Burton. 2011. Multiscale physical and biological dynamics in the Philippine Archipelago: Predictions and processes. Oceanography 24(1):70–89, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.05.

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