Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 26 Issue 03

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Volume 26, No. 3
Pages 26 - 33


Modeling Physical-Biological Responses to Climate Change in the California Current System

By Peter J.S. Franks , Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Nicole L. Goebel , Fanny Chenillat, Pascal Rivière , Christopher A. Edwards, and Arthur J. Miller  
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Article Abstract

Understanding the effects of climate change on planktonic ecosystems requires the synthesis of large, diverse data sets of variables that often interact in nonlinear ways. One fruitful approach to this synthesis is the use of numerical models. Here, we describe how models have been used to gain understanding of the physical-biological couplings leading to decadal changes in the southern California Current ecosystem. Moving from basin scales to local scales, we show how atmospheric, physical oceanographic, and biological dynamics interact to create long-term fluctuations in the dynamics of the California Current ecosystem.


Franks, P.J.S., E. Di Lorenzo, N.L. Goebel, F. Chenillat, P. Rivière, C.A. Edwards, and A.J. Miller. 2013. Modeling physical-biological responses to climate change in the California Current System. Oceanography 26(3):26–33, https://doi.org/​10.5670/oceanog.2013.42.

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