Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 10 Issue 02

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Volume 10, No. 2
Pages 49 - 52


Mapping Surface Currents in Monterey Bay With CODAR-Type HF Radar

By Jeffrey D. Paduan  and Michael S. Cook 
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High-frequency (HF) radar measurements have been employed around Monterey Bay, CA, to measure ocean surface currents since February 1992. The first array consisted of two older-generation CODAR instruments located at sites near Monterey in the south and Moss Landing, halfway around the bay to the north (Front Cover: Fig. 1). In 1994, the southern site was replaced with a newer-generation SeaSonde system at Pt. Pinos and a similar unit was installed near Santa Cruz on the northern shore of Monterey Bay. Finally, in 1996, the CODAR system in Moss Landing was replaced by a modern SeaSonde unit.


Paduan, J.D., and M.S. Cook. 1997. Mapping surface currents in Monterey Bay with CODAR-type HF radar. Oceanography 10(2):49–52, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1997.21.

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