Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 01 Issue 01

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Volume 01, No. 1
Pages 34 - 34



By David A. Brooks  
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It is fitting that the new society have an official logo to crown its correspondence and pepper its pages. Correspondingly, we hereby announce the Great Oceanography Society Logo Competition, the purpose of which is to choose an original artistic work that suitably represents the spirit, goals, and ambitions of the Society and its members. Contestants are encouraged to exercise their creative imaginations, keeping in mind the desirable principles of originality, expressiveness, simplicity, and good taste. Contributions can be in black-and-white or color. Line drawings, computer graphics, and abstract designs will be considered. We ask only that each contribution be limited in size to a single sheet of standard typewriter paper, be an original work signed by the artist, and be related in some way to the ocean. Contributions should be submitted before November 30, 1988 to the Secretary of the Society at the address given on the title page of the magazine. The panel of judges will be drawn from the Oceanography Society Council, augmented by qualified art critics as deemed appropriate. The judges’ final decision will be announced with appropriate fanfare at the first annual meeting of The Oceanography Society.


Brooks, D.A. 1988. Logo contest. Oceanography 1(1):34, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1988.47.

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