Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 26 Issue 04

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Volume 26, No. 4


QUARTERDECK • Last Call for Hard-Copy Back Issues of Oceanography

By Ellen S. Kappel  
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After 25 years of publishing Oceanography in hard copy, and as a consequence of online availability of all magazine issues, The Oceanography Society is looking to slim down the number of back issues it has in storage. These hard copies have always been available for the community to purchase as single copies or in bulk for a meeting or class. Because Oceanography’s online archive (http://tos.org/oceanography/issues/archive.html) contains electronic versions of every issue since Volume 1 was published in 1988, we have had a declining number of requests for hard copies of even the most popular issues. And, starting with June 2012, electronic editions of full issues have been available for purchase at the Qmag website (http://www.qmags.com), so TOS has been reducing print runs accordingly. It’s become clear that the Society doesn’t need to keep so many hard copies on hand anymore.

Through the end of March 2014, we are happy to provide TOS members with hard copies of back issues of Oceanography at the cost of shipping and handling. Almost all issues are available, except for a few from the early years (see http://tos.org/oceanography/pdfs/back_issue_order_form.pdf for a list of issues). We are also willing to donate copies to institutions around the world that could make use of them, if these locations are able to cover handling and shipping costs.

Please contact TOS Executive Director Jennifer Ramarui at [email protected] if you are interested in getting some back issues or know of potential places that could use copies. We are targeting April for a big donation to the recycling bin, so please let us know soon if you want some old gems.

– Ellen S. Kappel, Editor


Kappel, E.S. 2013. Quarterdeck: Last call for hard-copy back issues of Oceanography. Oceanography 26(4):5, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2013.82.

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