Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 15 Issue 03

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Volume 15, No. 3
Pages 34 - 35


THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • How Do Instructors Change the Way They Teach?

By Dean A. McManus  
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So you have heard that you should change the way you teach, but you aren’t sure how to do it! You have been told what to change and why to change it: change the emphasis, they say, from faculty teaching to student learning, because research on how students learn strongly indicates that students learn better when they take an active part in their learning. All well and good, but, like many another instructor, you are not sure how to change the way you teach. Grappling with the How is a double challenge. First, you must overcome the fear of change. We instructors are loath to risk change in front of our students. We might look foolish, seem stupid, or outright fail. Taking a risk in our classroom can be especially daunting because we have traditionally seen ourselves there as the Expert Figure, now to be taken down from its pedestal of authority. We must just accept the fact: making any change, even in our research, entails a risk. The second challenge of How is getting started. So let me outline how you might go about taking a calculated risk and start changing the way you teach. Remember, the emphasis is now placed on student learning, not faculty teaching.


McManus, D.A. 2002. In the oceanography classroom: How do instructors change the way they teach? Oceanography 15(3):34–35, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2002.15.

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