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The scientific goal of the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Monitoring System was to prepare an analysis and summary of the prevailing oceanographic conditions in the Gulf of Mexico and to make it available to interested parties in near-realtime over the Internet. The results are a resource for both military and civilian users and are designed to increase public awareness of information regarding ocean conditions that is both accurate and comprehensive. The data are also a resource for other research programs in the Gulf which require oceanographic data as inputs or as boundary conditions. Finally, the resulting combination of data acquisition, analysis and model implementation represents a relocatable nowcast/forecast system, whose capabilities have been demonstrated in the Gulf, but which is equally applicable anywhere in the world.


Blaha, J.P., G.H. Born, N.L. Guinasso, Jr., H.J. Herring, G.A. Jacobs, F.J. Kelly, R.R. Leben, R.D. Martin, Jr., G.L. Mellor, P.P. Niiler, M.E. Parke, R.C. Patchen, K. Schaudt, N.W. Scheffner, C.K. Shum, C. Ohlmann, W. Sturges, III, G.L. Weatherly, D. Webb, and H.J. White. 2000. Gulf of Mexico monitoring system. Oceanography 13(2):10–17, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2000.28.

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