Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 30 Issue 01

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Volume 30, No. 1
Pages 70 - 81


GlobalHAB: A New Program to Promote International Research, Observations, and Modeling of Harmful Algal Blooms in Aquatic Systems

By Elisa Berdalet , Raphael Kudela, Ed Urban, Henrik Enevoldsen, Neil S. Banas, Eileen Bresnan, Michele Burford, Keith Davidson, Christopher J. Gobler, Bengt Karlson, Po Teen Lim, Lincoln Mackenzie, Marina Montresor, Vera L. Trainer, Gires Usup , and Kedong Yin 
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Article Abstract

From 1998 to 2013, the international community of scientists researching harmful algal blooms (HABs) in marine systems worked through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) to better understand the ecological and oceanographic controls on these natural events that cause harm to humans and ecosystems. During this period, IOC and SCOR cosponsored the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) program to facilitate progress in HAB research, observations, and modeling. In 2016, building on the foundation provided by GEOHAB, IOC and SCOR launched a new HAB project design to extend research into freshwater systems and address several topics related to the effects of HABs on human society now and in a rapidly changing world.


Berdalet, E., R. Kudela, E. Urban, H. Enevoldsen, N.S. Banas, E. Bresnan, M. Burford, K. Davidson, C.J. Gobler, B. Karlson, P.T. Lim, L. Mackenzie, M. Montresor, V.L. Trainer, G. Usup, and K. Yin. 2017. GlobalHAB: A new program to promote international research, observations, and modeling of harmful algal blooms in aquatic systems. Oceanography 30(1):70–81, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2017.111.

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  3. Berdalet, E., M. Montresor, B. Reguera, S. Roy, H. Yamazaki, A. Cembella, and R. Raine. 2017. Harmful algal blooms in fjords, coastal embayments, and stratified systems: Recent progress and future research. Oceanography 30(1):46–57, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2017.109.
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