Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 15 Issue 01

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Volume 15, No. 1
Pages 57 - 66


Global and Regional Wave Modeling Activities

By R.E. Jensen , P.A. Wittmann, and J.D. Dykes 
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On any given day Naval vessels travel the world’s oceans, nearshore exercises take place, and at times, real operations occur where lives and equipment are in harm’s way. Accurately predicting environmental conditions such as meteorology (winds, temperature, moisture), oceanography (thermal gradients, currents, surges), and wave conditions becomes the governing factor for ship routing activities, and success of an exercise or operation often depends on minimizing the impact of these lU1controliable conditions. The other necessary factor governing the success of a forecast is providing the information in a timely manner. No matter how accurate the final wind, wave, and current predictions are, if the fleet does not receive this information before it occurs, it becomes irrelevant. This is defined as perishable information, where on a daily basis new forecasts a re performed replacing the old (six- to twelve-hour) information.


Jensen, R.E., P.A. Wittmann, and J.D. Dykes. 2002. Global and regional wave modeling activities. Oceanography 15(1):57–66, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2002.36.

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