Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 05 Issue 01

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Volume 05, No. 1
Pages 55 - 59


Evaluation Capability for the Navy Ocean Modeling and Prediction Program

By John A. Leese, Robert C. Willems, and Lanny A. Yeske  
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The Navy Ocean Modeling and Prediction (NOMP) Program has emphasized the need to evaluate ocean models and prediction systems for operational and tactical applications. The Institute for Naval Oceanography (INO) was assigned a leading role in the evaluation and validation of ocean models and in providing recommendations to the Navy for adoption of models. The INO placed a high priority on this role in its efforts to design and implement an Experimental Center for Mesoscale Ocean Prediction (ECMOP) as described by Leese et al. (1992, this issue).


Leese, J.A., R.C. Willems, and L.A. Yeske. 1992. Evaluation capability for the Navy Ocean Modeling and Prediction Program. Oceanography 5(1):55–59, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1992.33.

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