Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 11 Issue 01

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Volume 11, No. 1
Pages 30 - 35


Ecology of a Chaetoceros socialis Lauder Patch on Georges Bank: Distribution, Microbial Associations, and Grazing Losses

By Michael E. Sieracki , Dian J. Gifford, Scott M. Gallager , and Cabell S. Davis  
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The presence of patches and layers in marine pelagic ecosystems may play an important role in providing food for higher trophic levels at concentrations high enough to support the metabolism, growth, and reproduction of the consumers. There has been a persistent enigma of average bulk water prey concentrations frequently being below that necessary for consumer growth, yet the consumer populations are observed to grow and persist (Lasker, 1975: Mullin, 1988). Concentrated patches or layers of prey organisms are not accurately sampled by traditional means such as net tows, bottle sampling, and even standard CTD and in situ fluorescence profiling.


Sieracki, M.E., D.J. Gifford, S.M. Gallager, and C.S. Davis. 1998. Ecology of a Chaetoceros socialis lauder patch on Georges Bank: Distribution, microbial associations, and grazing losses. Oceanography 11(1):30–35, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1998.12.

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