Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 23 Issue 01

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Volume 23, No. 1
Pages 126 - 127


SPOTLIGHT • Davidson Seamount

By David A. Clague , Lonny Lundsten, James Hein, Jennifer Paduan, and Alice Davis  
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Davidson Seamount is located about 80 km off the central California coast in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. It is one of the better-explored seamounts in the world, having been sampled and observed during 32 dives by the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Tiburon. These dives mapped the bottom substrate and biological communities, and collected over 280 rock samples and nearly as many benthic animals.


Clague, D., L. Lundsten, J. Hein, J. Paduan, and A. Davis. 2010. Spotlight 6: Davidson Seamount. Oceanography 23(1):126–127, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2010.78.

  1. Clague, D.A., J.B. Paduan, R.A. Duncan, J.J. Huard, A.S. Davis, P. Castillo, P. Lonsdale, and A.P. DeVogeleare. 2009. Five million years of episodic alkalic volcanism built Davidson Seamount atop an abandoned spreading center. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, https://doi.org/10.1029/2009/GC002665.
  2. DeVogelaere, A.P., E.J. Burton, T. Trejo, C.E. King, D.A. Clague, M.N. Tamburri, G.M. Cailliet, R.E. Kochevar, and W.J. Douros. 2005. Deep-sea corals and resource protection at the Davidson Seamount, California, USA. Pp. 1,189–1,198 in Cold-water Corals and Ecosystems. A. Freiwald and J.M. Roberts, eds, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  3. Lundsten, L., J.P. Barry, G.M. Cailliet, D.A. Clague, A.P. DeVogelaere, and J.B. Geller. 2009a. Benthic invertebrate communities on three seamounts off southern and central California, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 374:23–32.
  4. Lundsten, L., C.R. McClain, J.P. Barry, G.M. Cailliet, D.A. Clague, and A.P. DeVogeleare. 2009b. Ichthyfauna on three seamounts off southern and central California, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 389:223–232.
  5. McClain, C.R., L. Lundsten, M. Ream, J.P. Barry, and A.P. DeVogelaere. 2009. Endemicity, biogeography, composition, and community structure on a Northeast Pacific seamount. PLoS ONE 4(1):e4141, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0004141.
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