Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 22 Issue 03

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Volume 22, No. 3
Pages 56 - 69


Data Assembly and Processing For Operational Oceanography: 10 Years of Achievements

By Pierre-Yves Le Traon , Gilles Larnicol , Stéphanie Guinehut, Sylvie Pouliquen, Abderrahim Bentamy, Dean Roemmich , Craig Donlon, Hervé Roquet , Gregg Jacobs , David Griffin , Fabrice Bonjean , Nicolas Hoepffner, and Lars-Anders Breivik  
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Article Abstract

Data assembly and processing centers are essential elements of the operational oceanography infrastructure. They provide data and products needed by modeling and data assimilation systems; they also provide products directly usable for applications. This paper discusses the role and functions of the data centers for operational oceanography. It describes some of the main data assembly centers (Argo and in situ data, altimetry, sea surface temperature) developed during the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment. An overview of other data centers (wind and fluxes, ocean color, sea ice) is also given. Much progress has been achieved over the past 10 years to validate, intercalibrate, and merge altimeter data from multiple satellites. Accuracy and timeliness of products have been improved, and new products have been developed. The same is true for sea surface temperature data through the Global High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project. A breakthrough in processing, quality control, and assembly for in situ data has also been achieved through the development of the real-time and delayed-mode Argo data system. In situ and remote-sensing data are now systematically and jointly used to calibrate, validate, and monitor over the long term the quality and consistency of the global ocean observing system. Main results are illustrated. There is also a review of the development and use of products that merge in situ and remote-sensing data. Future issues and main prospects are discussed in the conclusion.


Le Traon, P.-Y., G. Larnicol, S. Guinehut, S. Pouliquen, A. Bentamy, D. Roemmich, C. Donlon, H. Roquet, G. Jacobs, D. Griffin, F. Bonjean, N. Hoepffner, and L.-A. Breivik. 2009. Data assembly and processing for operational oceanography: 10 years of achievements. Oceanography 22(3):56–69, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2009.66.

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