Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 19 Issue 03

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Volume 19, No. 3
Pages 153 - 154


BOOK REVIEW • Chemical Oceanography (Third Edition)

By Claudia Benitez-Nelson  
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Chemical oceanography is one of the core requirements of almost all undergraduate and graduate programs in marine science and oceanography. In this third edition of Frank Millero’s classic text, Chemical Oceanography, we now have an upper-division undergraduate and first-year, graduate-level text that incorporates the exciting new knowledge gained from significant research programs such as the Joint Ocean Global Flux Study (JGOFS), iron-addition experiments, and the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). Having said that, we must remember that above all, Dr. Millero was trained in physical chemistry. As such, this book is a chemist’s view of oceanography. While it is perfect for those interested in understanding the underlying molecular-level chemistry of marine systems, beware: students should have a firm grounding in basic chemistry before professors use this as a classroom text. Otherwise, students will be woefully lost and not able to appreciate the vast wealth of information contained in this book. It describes not only essential marine chemistry concepts, but how many of these concepts came into being. This material is wonderful for the many new students entering the field who do not have this historical perspective.


Benitez-Nelson, C. 2006. Review of Chemical Oceanography (Third Edition), F.J. Millero.Oceanography 19(3):153–154, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2006.59.

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