Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 22 Issue 03

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Volume 22, No. 3
Pages 176 - 181


Applications of GODAE Ocean Current Forecasts to Search and Rescue and Ship Routing

By Fraser J.M. Davidson , Arthur Allen , Gary B. Brassington, Øyvind Breivik, Pierre Daniel , Masafumi Kamachi , Satoshi Sato, Brian King, Fabien Lefevre, Marion Sutton, and Hideki Kaneko  
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Article Abstract

As GODAE ocean forecast systems progress, their contributions toward improving the safety and efficiency of operations at sea will increase. In this article, we review present uses of GODAE ocean forecast systems for various safety applications at sea, including search and rescue drift calculations, iceberg drift calculations, ice cover prediction, and safety of offshore operations. Additionally, we review how various countries presently use safety and decision support tools that incorporate ocean current forecasts.


Davidson, F.J.M., A. Allen, G.B. Brassington, Ø. Breivik, P. Daniel, M. Kamachi, S. Sato, B. King, F. Lefevre, M. Sutton, and H. Kaneko. 2009. Applications of GODAE ocean current forecasts to search and rescue and ship routing. Oceanography 22(3):176–181, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2009.76.

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