Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 02 Issue 01

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Volume 02, No. 1
Pages 48 - 49


NEWS AND INFORMATION • An Oceanographic Time Capsule

By Walter Munk  and Peter Worcester 
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In October 1967, Jean Filloux obtained a tidal pressure record on the deep sea floor off California (see Fig. 1 for locations), using a Bourdon-tube pressure sensor and a time-release device for recovery (Filloux, 1969). In summer 1968, Frank Snodgrass dropped capsules Josie, Kathy and Flicki with Vibrotron pressure gauges; the capsules were acoustically recalled after a month (we believe this was the first time this technique was used), These four records, together with a Lamont station 100 miles offshore to the north and cable-connected to shore (Nowroozi et al. 1966) provided the information required for constructing a rough co-tidal chart (Munk et al., 1969).


Munk, W., and P. Worcester. 1989. An oceanographic time capsule. Oceanography 2(1):48–49, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1989.38.

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