Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 05 Issue 01

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Volume 05, No. 1
Pages 60 - 63


An Experimental Center for Mesoscale Ocean Prediction

By John A. Leese , M. Stephen Foster, and James H. Corbin  
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The needs of the naval and academic community to expand their modeling activities were identified in an Ocean Prediction Workshop during 1986 (Mooers et al., 1986): 1) an openly shared hierarchy of well-documented models; 2) direct access to computational resources; 3) improvement of scientist-to-scientist communications through standardized procedures for model testing and validation; and 4) various kinds of certified data sets. The Institute for Naval Oceanography (INO) response to these needs was to implement an Experimental Center for Mesoscale Ocean Prediction (ECMOP). This is a specialized computational center to facilitate the development, demonstration, and evaluation of a mesoscale ocean-prediction capability.


Leese, J.A., M.S. Foster, and J.H. Corbin. 1992. An experimental center for mesoscale ocean prediction. Oceanography 5(1):60–63, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1992.34.

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