Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 05 Issue 01

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Volume 05, No. 1
Pages 73 - 77


REVIEW AND COMMENT • A Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment (WESTRAX)

By Wendell S. Brown, William E. Johns, Eli J. Katz , Kevin D. Leaman , Julian P. McCreary, Robert L. Molinari , Phillip L. Richardson , and Claus Rooth 
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Recently, a group of researchers from the U.S. and the broader international community have developed coordinated plans for observational and modeling work in the western tropical Atlantic. The overall research program is referred to as WESTRAX, for Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment. This article summarizes the research plans of the various participants and the scientific issues that have motivated the studies.


Brown, W.S., W.E. Johns, E.J. Katz, K.D. Leaman, J.P. McCreary, R.L. Molinari, P.L. Richardson, and C. Rooth. 1992. A Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment (WESTRAX). Oceanography 5(1):73–77, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1992.38.

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