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After several years in the nonacademic working world, we were back in school, ready to learn and socialize with other burgeoning marine scientists. Within our first couple of weeks in the University of Maine’s (UMaine’s) School of Marine Science (SMS) graduate program, we eagerly attended the new graduate student orientation. Program requirements were reviewed, as well as expectations and funding, but the one thing that excited the faculty and the new students most was the Graduate Student Symposium. With promise of revelry, sharing research, department-provided refreshments, a bonfire, and a stay-over at the University’s Darling Marine Center, the symposium was touted as the social and academic event of the year. The entire department, which is usually spread out over the Orono campus and three other locations across the state of Maine, is together for one and a half productive and fun-filled days. The kicker: we had to wait until the end of the academic year, two whole semesters, for this joyous occasion.