Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 16 Issue 01

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Volume 16, No. 1
Pages 36 - 37


BOOK REVIEW • Wind Stress Over the Ocean

By C.W. Fairall  
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The monograph is the final report of the Scientific Committee on Oceanographic Research (SCOR) working group 101 which was commissioned in 1993 to survey the state of knowledge and suggest where research might be directed on the topic of stress over the ocean. A team of experts was assembled at several workshops over the years and eventually this book was produced. The editors suggest this work should be viewed as a companion to an earlier SCOR monograph on Dynamics and Modeling of Ocean Waves (Komen et al., 1994). The book is divided into three parts: an overview; a part 1, which is ‘concerned with basic issues of the dynamics related to the wind stress over the ocean’ ; and a part 2, which ‘deals with the uncertainties in parameterizing drag over the ocean’ and ‘describes issues of a more specific nature crucial in understanding the physics’. Part 1 contains six chapters; Part 2 contains eight chapters.


Fairall, C.W. 2003. Review of Wind Stress Over the Ocean, edited by I.S.F. Jones and Y. Toba. Oceanography 16(1):36–37, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2003.58.

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