Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 08 Issue 03

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Volume 08, No. 3
Pages 75 - 75


QUARTERDECK • We Are on the Web

By Larry Atkinson  
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This is the final issue for 1995. Although we had hoped to publish four issues this year, it didn’t happen. The reason is our lack of unsolicited submissions. To remedy this, we are going to be soliciting more dedicated issues. If you are interested in organizing a special issue, contact the editors. Note that we seek summaries that convey new concepts and ideas to our professional colleagues.

With this issue, you see a second regular column (the first being Toolkit), Ocean Education, managed by Dr. John Farrington. Consistent with its title, the focus will be education at all levels. A third column titled International Issues will debut in Vol. 9, No. 1. International Issues is managed by Dr. Anne Arquit Niederberger.

As promised in a previous QUARTERDECK, we now have information about coming issues on the World Wide Web (WWW). This is a bit dangerous because you will now see the inner workings of our publication—you can now see the sausage being made! I hope that getting on-line serves two purposes. The first is to let you see the future and participate in it. On the Web, you can just click our mail address and send mail to us with your idea, proposal, or comment. By seeing the future, more members may be stimulated to submit material. The second reason is educational. Issues don’t just happen. Plans change. Time sensitive issues appear and must be accommodated. Promised articles don’t appear. Space appears or disappears at the last minute of production (we work in 16-page signatures). Check the WWW and you’ll be the first to know.

— Larry Atkinson


Atkinson, L. 1995. Quarterdeck: We are on the Web. Oceanography 8(3):75, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1995.02.

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