Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 03 Issue 01

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Volume 03, No. 1
Pages 23 - 29


Volumetric Visualization: An Effective Use of GIS Technology in the Field of Oceanography

By T.O. Manley and James A. Tallet 
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The information explosion that has swept the scientific community has created tremendous opportunities for expanding our understanding of the world. Vast amounts of available data offer new challenges for oceanographers, not only in discerning the complex relationships before them, but, just as importantly, in finding ways of conveying this newfound knowledge to colleagues and to the public. Much of this data, including ocean-bottom bathymetry or data obtained via satellite imagery, can be represented through the use of two- or pseudo three-dimensional imagery. An even greater amount of information, however, does not lend itself to such graphic display and standard interpretation practices. These data sets represent complex three- and four-dimensional information obtained from computer models, advanced data gathering techniques and the synthesis of historical data bases. Fortunately, the technological advances that have produced this information avalanche have also produced new tools for managing and understanding this data. Specifically, Geographic Information System (GIS) applications that handle full three-dimensional property modeling, volumetric visualization, and quantitative analysis, such as Interactive Volume Modeling (IVM), are well suited for the interpretation of such complex data sets.


Manley, T.O., and J.A. Tallet. 1990. Volumetric visualization: An effective use of GIS technology in the field of oceanography. Oceanography 3(1):23–29, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1990.17.

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