Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 19 Issue 01

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Volume 19, No. 1
Pages 52 - 63


Using Computer Simulations to Help Understand Flow Statistics and Structures at the Air-Ocean Interface

By Lian Shen  and Dick K.P. Yue 
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The interaction among atmosphere, oceans, and surface waves is an important process with many oceanographic and environmental applications. It directly affects the motion and fate of pollutants such as oil spills. The oceans have an enormous capacity for mass and heat storage. The air-sea exchange of heat, humidity, momentum, and greenhouse gases directly affects short-term weather evolutions and long-term climate changes. In addition, the accurate prediction of air-sea interaction is of vital importance to many of the Navy’s applications, including the operation of naval surface ships and remote sensing.


Shen, L., and D.K.P. Yue. 2006. Using computer simulations to help understand flow statistics and structures at the air-ocean interface. Oceanography 19(1):52–63, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2006.90.

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