Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 18 Issue 02

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Volume 18, No. 2
Pages 56 - 75


Understanding Black Sea Dynamics: Overview of Recent Numerical Modeling

By Emil V. Stanev  
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The importance of the Black Sea extends far beyond its regional role as a mixing body where Mediterranean water is diluted. This sea’s marine environment acts as a small-scale laboratory for investigating processes that are common to different areas of the world’s oceans. In particular, research on deep ventilation could facilitate understanding of similar controlling processes in the paleocean when the ocean’s conveyor belt was shallower. Because water and salt balances are easily controllable and the scales are smaller than in the global ocean, this basin is a useful test region for developing models, which can then be applied to larger scales. Moreover, studying outputs from numerical models is an important complement to sparse observations and extends our knowledge. The major purpose of this paper is to demonstrate this possibility, using Black Sea physical oceanography examples based on numerical modeling results.


Stanev, E.V. 2005. Understanding Black Sea dynamics: Overview of recent numerical modeling. Oceanography 18(2):56–75, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2005.42.

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