Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 13 Issue 01

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Volume 13, No. 1
Pages 54 - 61


Towards a US GOOS: A Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Previous Coastal Monitoring Efforts

By Stephen B. Weisberg, Thomas L. Hayward, and Muriel Cole  
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Article Abstract

The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is an international initiative to collect, distribute, and exchange oceanographic data on a routine, long-term, systematic basis. Many of the programs that will be merged into GOOS, as well as other federal efforts with complementary long-term assessment missions, have previously undergone peer review and the lessons learned from these program reviews can provide instructive points for future GOOS planning efforts. Seven key themes were extracted from these reviews, as well as from our own insights about these programs, and are offered as a stimulus for discussion in planning for GOOS: 1) Clearly define program goals and anticipated management products; 2) Recognize the differences between physical and biological monitoring systems; 3) Differences in space-time scales among ecosystems affect sampling design; 4) Develop an effective data dissemination strategy; 5) Develop data products that will be useful to decision makers; 6) Provide for periodic program review and flexibility in program design; and 7) Establish a stable funding base and management infrastructure.


Weisberg, S.B., T.L. Hayward, and M. Cole. 2000. Towards a US GOOS: A synthesis of lessons learned from previous coastal monitoring efforts. Oceanography 13(1):54–61, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2000.53.

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