Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 03 Issue 02

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Volume 03, No. 2
Pages 56 - 56


SOCIETY SOUNDINGS • The Oceanography Society's Second Scientific Meeting

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The Oceanography Society (TOS) announces its second scientific meeting, to be held in St. Petersburg, Florida, March 24-28, 1991, at the Bayfront Center’s Mahaffey Theater and the St. Petersburg Hilton and Towers.The oceanographic community responded very positively to the innovative, substantive TOS Inaugural Meeting in Monterey, California, in 1989. Every effort has been made to duplicate the successes of that first meeting—and add to them. A stimulating program, a recently renovated hotel (across the street from the St. Louis Cardinals’ spring training camp), the near-perfect acoustics of an opera house theater, an entertaining schedule of casual social functions, and springtime in one of Florida’s most hospitable gulf-side cities will all serve to make this another interesting, informative and enjoyable event. Mark your calendar. Plan now to join your colleagues in St. Petersburg at the major meeting of 1991 for all oceanographic disciplines.


Society soundings: The Oceanography Society’s Second Scientific Meeting. 1990. Oceanography 3(2):56.

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