Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 17 Issue 02

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Volume 17, No. 2
Pages 86 - 95


The Expanding Role of Ocean Color and Optics in the Changing Field of Operational Oceanography

By Scott Glenn , Oscar Schofield, Tommy D. Dickey, Robert Chant, Josh Kohut, Hervé Barrier, Jennifer Bosch, Louis Bowers, Elizabeth Creed, Chip Haldeman, Eli Hunter, John Kerfoot , Chhaya Mudgal , Matthew Oliver, Hugh Roarty, Emmeline Romana, Mike Crowley , Donald Barrick, and Clayton Jones 
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Ocean observatories are changing the way oceanographers go to sea. The rapidly evolving field of ocean optics is producing new technologies and analysis procedures that are contributing to this transition. Optical oceanography is now moving beyond the slow-boat approach of stopping to collect discrete profiles and water samples for later laboratory analysis. These traditional methods often require filtering of discrete samples or even solvent extractions, which are time consuming and challenging to use when at sea. Older submersible spectral radiometers had slow scanning speeds, requiring the instrument to be held at constant depth while taking a measurement.


Glenn, S., O. Schofield, T.D. Dickey, R. Chant, J. Kohut, H. Barrier, J. Bosch, L. Bowers, E. Creed, C. Haldeman, E. Hunter, J. Kerfoot, C. Mudgal, M. Oliver, H. Roarty, E. Romana, M. Crowley, D. Barrick, and C. Jones. 2004. The expanding role of ocean color and optics in the changing field of operational oceanography. Oceanography 17(2):86–95, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2004.52.

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