Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 16 Issue 04

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Volume 16, No. 4
Pages 68 - 76


The Business Case for the Global Observing System

By Mary G. Altalo, Philip Bogden, Charlie Colgan, H. Lee Dantzler, Margaret Davidson , and Phil Mundy 
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A well conceived business case is critical to the success of any enterprise. The purpose of this paper is to present considerations for establishing the business case for the global observing system. Fully developing and then “working” such a plan will provide direction and focus. It will lead naturally to the business plan components which outline the resource requirements, marketing decisions, financial projections, production demands and personnel needs. This generates a “family” of plans including technical, financial, governance and management.


Altalo, M., P. Bogden, C. Colgan, H.L. Dantzler, M. Davidson, and P. Mundy. 2003. The business case for the global observing system. Oceanography 16(4):68–76, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2003.10.

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