Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 29 Issue 04

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Volume 29, No. 4
Pages 178 - 186


The 1966 Flooding of Venice: What Time Taught Us for the Future

By Fabio Trincardi , Andrea Barbanti , Mauro Bastianini, Luigi Cavaleri , Jacopo Chiggiato , Alvise Papa, Angela Pomaro, Mauro Sclavo , Luigi Tosi, and Georg Umgiesser 
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Article Abstract

Upon this fiftieth anniversary of the storm that flooded the historical Italian centers of Venice and Florence, we review the event from the perspective of today’s scientific knowledge. In particular, we discuss the components of relative sea level rise in Venice that contribute to flooding, the monitoring networks and forecast capabilities that are currently in place, and the engineering actions adopted since the 1966 flood to safeguard the Venice lagoon and the city. Focusing on the meteo-oceanographic aspects, we also show how sheer luck at the time avoided a much worse disaster in Venice.


Trincardi, F., A. Barbanti, M. Bastianini, A. Benetazzo, L. Cavaleri, J. Chiggiato, A. Papa, A. Pomaro, M. Sclavo, L. Tosi, and G. Umgiesser. 2016. The 1966 flooding of Venice: What time taught us for the future. Oceanography 29(4):178–186, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.87.

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