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One sign of a healthy journal is having a long lineup of manuscripts that are ready to be published. Without a doubt, Oceanography is healthy. We have a series of great special-issue topics already locked in for the next couple of years. I don’t wish to be too gluttonous here, but it’s worth reminding readers that there are many other ways to contribute to the magazine other than to the special-issue section:
- Breaking Waves: This Oceanography section publishes provocative papers describing novel approaches to multidisciplinary problems in oceanography. Articles include research results that have the potential to move the field of oceanography forward or in a new direction. The goal is to publish the papers no more than two issues (i.e., six months) after submission. Contact Associate Editor Chuck Greene (chg2@cornell.edu) for more information.
- Regular-issue features: We encourage submission of articles that present significant scientific achievements, critical evaluation of cutting-edge field and computational technologies in research (e.g., equipment tests, limitations and warnings, comparison to older methods), and historical oceanography (e.g., personal histories of oceanographers, anecdotes on little-known expeditions, stories about how instruments were invented, altered/evolved, and how they got damaged or lost at sea).
- Short news items: Send us an interesting research-related story that you can tell in no more than a couple of pages (graphics encouraged). If you liked the sea stories in the December 2006 issue and have a great sea story to share, let us know.
- Hands-On Oceanography: Please consider submitting a laboratory that you have successfully conducted. Activities include, but are not limited to, computer-based models and laboratory demonstrations primarily for undergraduate and graduate-student audiences (for more information see http://www.tos.org/hands-on). Publication of these materials may contribute to the "broader impact" portion of your NSF-funded research.
We also accept meeting reports, short essays, and commentaries, among other items. All articles are peer reviewed and, if accepted, will be accessible to the public free of charge via the Oceanography Web site (http://www.tos.org/oceanography). The Web site also contains guidelines for manuscript submission. You can always contact me at ekappel@geo-prose.com or any of the Associate Editors if you have any questions regarding suitability of material for publication.
—Ellen S. Kappel, Editor