Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 04 Issue 01

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Volume 04, No. 1
Pages 33 - 38

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The general objective of this portion of AmasSeds (A Multidisciplinary Amazon Shelf SEDiment Study) is to understand how evidence of environmental processes influencing the Amazon shelf is preserved in the underlying sedimentary strata. Unfortunately, strata are imperfect recorders of environmental events. In oceanic settings near large sediment sources, net accumulation of sediment may occur; however, in a physically dynamic setting, the preserved strata may contain numerous breaks of non-deposition or erosion. A fundamental question concerns what environmental interpretations are possible from sedimentary sequences which are punctuated by missing strata. This question assumes additional importance when a setting, such as the Amazon shelf, records the history for much of a continent and an equatorial ocean.


Nittrouer, C.A., S.A. Kuehl, J.M. Rine, A.G. Figueiredo, L.E.C. Faria, G.T.M. Dias, M.A.M. Silva, M.A. Allison, T.D. Pacioni, M.P. Segall, E.C. Underkoffler, H.V. Borges, and O.F. Silveira. 1991. Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Amazon continental shelf. Oceanography 4(1):33–38, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1991.19.

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