Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 14 Issue 01

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Volume 14, No. 1
Pages 91 - 91


BOOK REVIEW • Scientific Diving Techniques: A Practical Guide for the Research Diver

By Alice Alldredge 
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The key word in the title of John Heine’s thorough and extensively referenced book on scientific diving techniques is “practical.” The book is not only packed with clear descriptions of the huge variety of methods, samplers, and instruments developed by underwater researchers over the last half century but also provides extensive citations to the scientific literature describing each technique and specific contact information for manufacturers and suppliers of everything from underwater transect tapes, epoxy, and pneumatic drills to diver-held fluorometers. Heine, himself a veteran researcher and dive officer at Moss Landing Marine Lab for 20 years, has produced a treasure house of information for novice and experienced scientific divers alike.


Alldredge, A. 2001. Review of Scientific Diving Techniques: A Practical Guide for the Research Dive, by J.N. Heine. Oceanography 14(1):91, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2001.56.

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