Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 19 Issue 01

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Volume 19, No. 1
Pages 188 - 189


BOOK REVIEW • Satellite Monitoring of Inland and Coastal Water Quality: Retrospection, Introspection, Future Directions

By Curtis D. Mobley  
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Note the title of this book. It is about remote sensing of coastal and inland “Case 2” waters, not the open ocean. It is a book of commentary about remote sensing, not a text where you learn how to do remote sensing. Robert Bukata, who has decades of experience in “ocean color” remote sensing of optically complex inland and coastal waters, collects the wisdom he accumulated during those years. He allows himself the luxury of waxing poetic and laying out his personal opinions for all who agree or disagree with his viewpoints. I envy him for that opportunity.


Mobley, C.D. 2006. Review of Satellite Monitoring of Inland and Coastal Water Quality: Retrospection, Introspection, Future Directions, by R.P. Bukata. Oceanography 19(1):188–189, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2006.104.

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