Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 03 Issue 02

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Volume 03, No. 2
Pages 51 - 51


SOCIETY SOUNDINGS • President's Report

By D. James Baker  
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Oceanography magazine is now firmly established as an essential communication channel for a large and diverse group of ocean scientists. This success has been accomplished by the masterful guidance of its founding editor Dave Brooks. He has been and is one of the strong supporters of the Society and its goals. His leadership, scientific guidance, and editorial and design skills have positioned the magazine in its short lifetime as a leader in its field. The magazine fills a niche in the oceanographic literature, and Dave deserves the credit for defining its role and bringing the concept to fruition. With regret I announce that with this issue of the magazine Dave is completing his tenure as editor. A search is now on for his replacement, hut his shoes will not be easy to fill. All of TOS offers a hearty “Well done!” and thanks to Dave.


Baker, D.J. 1990. Society soundings: President’s report. Oceanography 3(2):51, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1990.10.

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