Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 01 Issue 02

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Volume 01, No. 2
Pages 50 - 50


NEWS AND INFORMATION • Planning for the Inaugural Meeting of The Oceanography Society

By W. Stanley Wilson and Christopher N.K. Mooers 
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The Interim Meetings Committee announces its intention to convene the Inaugural Meeting of The Oceanography Society. The meeting probably will be held during three mid-week days in September or October 1989, in a west coast U.S. city: details are being arranged. Rana Fine serves as the Program Chairperson, and Frank Eden will serve as the Meeting Coordinator. The program is planned to be intellectually exciting, unifying, instructive and synthesizing. A deliberate attempt has been made to design a meeting format that will be unique in our pantheon of professional meetings and not compete with those of other societies. Each day will be dedicated to a single theme of broad and timely interest. In the morning there will be several invited talks in a plenary session, and in the afternoon there will be a corresponding poster session of contributed papers. The themes chosen, to be announced later, are multidisciplinary and provocative. An ample quantity of conference rooms will be available for small research and topical groups to meet. There will be an exhibitors’ program, including facilities for films and videos. Interesting social functions highlighting local attractions will be planned for each evening. At the first business meeting of The Oceanography Society, the Society’s first elected officers will be installed, and a lecture commemorating a historic oceanographic event will be given. More details will be announced in a flyer to be circulated in January and in subsequent issues of Oceanography Magazine.


Wilson, W.S., and C.N.K. Mooers. 1988. Planning for the Inaugural Meeting of The Oceanography Society. Oceanography 1(2):50, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1988.18.

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