Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 13 Issue 01

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Volume 13, No. 1
Pages 12 - 23


Operational Observation Networks for Ports, a Large Estuary and an Open Shelf

By Scott M. Glenn , William Boicourt, Bruce Parker, and Tommy D. Dickey 
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This paper describes the goals, capabilities and accomplishments of three operational coastal ocean observation networks. In the companion paper in this volume, the authors discuss reasons for the rapid proliferation of coastal ocean observation networks. Any attempt to discuss the goals, capabilities and accomplishments of the many established and emerging sites is well beyond the scope of this paper. Because many observation networks are local, the goals are often local. Because they are not static, but are constantly being improved, upgraded, and used, the capabilities and accomplishments are also constantly changing and are often several years ahead of descriptions and results available in the published literature. It therefore would be a disservice for the authors to attempt to accurately portray the current state of an observation system in which we were not directly involved.


Glenn, S.M., W. Boicourt, B. Parker, and T.D. Dickey. 2000. Operational observation networks for ports, a large estuary and an open shelf. Oceanography 13(1):12–23, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2000.49.

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