Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 09 Issue 03

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Volume 09, No. 3
Pages 183 - 188


Modeling the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Continental Margins

By Michael S. Steckler, Donald J.P. Swift, James P. Syvitski, John A. Goff, and Alan W. Niedoroda 
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A key component of achieving the goals of STRATAFORM is the development of numerical models that provide a means of exploring how the multitude of physical processes active at margins create the preserved stratigraphic record. Numerical models allow study of a wider range of conditions than can be observed easily in the field, or scaled within a laboratory. They also provide tools for extracting and interpreting critical information about the preserved stratigraphy.


Steckler, M.S., D.J.P. Swift, J.P. Syvitski, J.A. Goff, and A.W. Niedoroda. 1996. Modeling the sedimentology and stratigraphy of continental margins. Oceanography 9(3):183–188, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1996.08.

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