Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 24 Issue 04

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Volume 24, No. 4
Pages 88 - 99


Modeling and Prediction of Internal Waves in the South China Sea

By Harper Simmons , Ming-Huei Chang, Ya-Ting Chang, Shenn-Yu Chao, Oliver Fringer, Christopher R. Jackson, and Dong Shan Ko 
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Article Abstract

Nonlinear internal solitary waves generated within Luzon Strait move westward across the northern South China Sea, refract around Dongsha Atoll, and dissipate on the Chinese continental shelf after a journey of over 500 km lasting more than four days. In the last 10 years a great deal of observational, theoretical, and modeling effort has been directed toward understanding and predicting these solitary waves and their effects on the oceanography of the northern South China Sea. This paper reviews a variety of modeling approaches (two- and three-dimensional, kinematic, hydrostatic, and nonhydrostatic) that have been employed to gain insight into the generation mechanisms and physics of the South China Sea’s nonlinear solitary waves with the goal of predicting wave characteristics such as phase speed, amplitude, and arrival time.


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