Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 07 Issue 02

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Volume 07, No. 2
Pages 35 - 35


FROM THE PRESIDENT • Message from the Outgoing President

By Arnold L. Gordon 
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My term as President of The Oceanography Society expired in June 1994, and now I take the position of Past-President. I have the unique distinction of being not only the first President-Elect of our newly formed society, but also the first Past-President of the Society, as Jim Baker resigned from the TOS Council when he was appointed NOAA Administrator. It has been a wonderful and rewarding experience being associated with TOS during these formative years; I thank the membership for giving me the opportunity. I enjoyed working with the TOS Council. Our meetings are always very lively as we all realize that our precedent-setting actions determine how effectively and for how long we will serve our community. As a fledgling organization we could ill afford a mistake.


Gordon, A.L. 1994. Message from the outgoing president. Oceanography 7(2):35, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1994.05.

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