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I just returned from the first of a new type of TOS meeting—the Pacific Basin “focus” meeting. We had an outstanding opportunity to hear the results of the large Pacific Basin programs of the past few years, WOCE, TOGA-COARE, JGOFS EqPac, and RIDGE. The meeting reflects the TOS Council’s interest in providing new services to our members. The topic of our services to members has been high on our list of efforts and has been on my mind as I think about my term as president of the society. Jim Baker, our first president, viewed his role as one of generating excitement about the possibilities of a new society for oceanographers that fully realized and capitalized on the interdisciplinary aspects of our science. Arnold Gordon, our second president, saw his job as ensuring that the society made it through that period of initial euphoria, that we had a regular scientific meeting of interest and high scientific quality, and that our magazine began a regular publishing schedule. I think both succeeded and we owe them great thanks.