Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 03 Issue 01

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Volume 03, No. 1
Pages 57 - 57


SOCIETY SOUNDINGS • Meet Therese Schaley

By David A. Brooks  
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First Paragraph

If you have contacted the magazine office lately, you have probably spoken with Therese Schaley about manuscript status, advertising policy, or production schedules. As Production Manager for Oceanography, Therese is responsible for coordinating and tracking the progress of all manuscript material and for scheduling the production of each issue. She also prepares monthly budgets, oversees printing and mailing, coordinates the design of reprints, handles invoices and payments, maintains files for manuscripts and art, answers telemail and fax communications, and consoles the editor when nothing goes right. In short, she is an absolutely essential part of the day-to-day activities of this magazine. Its continued existence is testimony to Therese’s efficiency in coordinating, organizing and summarizing—skills that seem less well developed in the editor’s office.


Brooks, D.A. 1990. Society soundings: Meet Therese Schaley. Oceanography 3(1):57, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1990.27.

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