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The Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) has been responsible for a recent upsurge in international cooperation in ocean science and for some notable advances in biological and chemical oceanography. These advances have included the collaborative study of the northward progress of the spring bloom in the North Atlantic in 1989–90, during which the role of primary producers in drawing down mixed layer PCO2 was demonstrated for the first time; the establishment of a series of time-series stations in the Atlantic and Pacific where upper water column processes and the settling flux of particular organic matter are being monitored; the 1992–93 Equatorial Pacific Study which showed that the magnitude of CO2 outgasing from this vast area changes substantially between El Niño and La Niña conditions; the ongoing Arabian Sea program that is looking at the response of the ocean carbon pumps to monsoon forcing; and the formulation of an invaluable set of new international standards and method protocols. Planning for an extensive Southern Ocean program is actively underway.