Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 18 Issue 01

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Volume 18, No. 1
Pages 8 - 10


FROM THE GUEST EDITOR • Introduction to this Special Issue on Women in Oceanography

By Peggy Delaney  
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It is my great pleasure to introduce this special issue of Oceanography magazine on “Women in Oceanography.” The process began with a request from Ellen Kappel, the editor, to consider being guest editor for an issue on this topic and evolved through our discussions and considerations of various options (Articles by women oceanographers? Articles about women in oceanography?) and desired outcomes (truthful and positive, forward-looking and realistic). I had an incredible array of reactions, from being fascinated by the idea to being concerned that it could alienate people. I moved forward hoping that what would result would be a positive contribution to the field, helping set a direction for the future.


Delaney, P. 2005. From the Guest Editor: Introduction to this special issue on women in oceanography. Oceanography 18(1):8–10, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2005.75.

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