Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 16 Issue 04

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Volume 16, No. 4
Pages 3 - 3



By Richard W. Spinrad  
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Five and a half years ago Larry Atkinson (my predecessor) passed me the baton of editorship. I have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of my activity as Editor since then. Since 1988, when I began serving as an Associate Editor (on Volume1, Number 1), I am honored to have worked for and with every President of TOS, and every Council member. I have seen this magazine evolve and have delighted in playing some part in its direction. This final issue for me is emblematic of the unique and wonderful mission of The Oceanography Society—where else might you see a collection of articles that includes such diverse topics as ocean observations, 500-year old cartography, and ice keels on Mars?! This “hybrid vigor” of our community, The Oceanography Society, and Oceanography magazine is something we should all continue to cherish and support.

The next decade will be a turning point for the oceanographic community. New attention to the importance of our science, new technological breakthroughs, and groundbreaking policy developments will likely launch all of us into positions of great influence for society. Oceanography can be an important part of that leadership, but only with your continued support. The membership of TOS has made this magazine an important vehicle for our field. I look forward to seeing where we all take this publication in the years to come.

There are simply too many individuals to thank for their efforts in supporting this magazine. Many of them are listed on the masthead, most of them are listed in the membership files of the Society, and all of them are appreciated and respected by me.

As I cast my lines from the figurative pier of Editorship, I will take as a stowaway my wonderful memories of the last five years…and I’ll see you all in future and distant ports of call. Thank you!

– Richard W. Spinrad, Editor


Spinrad, R.W. 2003. Quaterdeck: Farewell. Oceanography 16(4):3, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2003.17.

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