Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 26 Issue 01

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Volume 26, No. 1
Pages 10 - 16


COMMENTARY • Enhancing the Ocean Observing System to Meet Restoration Challenges in the Gulf of Mexico

By Steven A. Murawski  and William T. Hogarth 
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As a result of fines and penalties generated by the settlement of civil and criminal actions and the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) claims resulting from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) incident, various entities are poised to receive billions of dollars to improve the health and resilience of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem. While much of the funding will go to economic development in states impacted by the oil spill, the lion’s share will be used to restore specific natural resources damaged as a result of DWH and to tackle larger and more chronic environmental issues such as loss of wetlands, nutrient enrichment, fisheries sustainability, and toxic contaminant management. In addition, the federal RESTORE Act directs that some of these funds will be used to improve long-term monitoring of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.


Murawski, S.A., and W.T. Hogarth. 2013. Enhancing the ocean observing system to meet restoration challenges in the Gulf of Mexico. Oceanography 26(1):10–16, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2013.12.

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