Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 27 Issue 04

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Volume 27, No. 4
Pages 26 - 41


Early Life History and Fisheries Oceanography: New Questions in a Changing World

By Joel K. Llopiz , Robert K. Cowen, Martha J. Hauff , Rubao Ji , Philip L. Munday , Barbara A. Muhling, Myron A. Peck, David E. Richardson , Susan Sogard , and Su Sponaugle 
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Article Abstract

In the past 100 years since the birth of fisheries oceanography, research on the early life history of fishes, particularly the larval stage, has been extensive, and much progress has been made in identifying the mechanisms by which factors such as feeding success, predation, or dispersal can influence larval survival. However, in recent years, the study of fish early life history has undergone a major and, arguably, necessary shift, resulting in a growing body of research aimed at understanding the consequences of climate change and other anthropogenically induced stressors. Here, we review these efforts, focusing on the ways in which fish early life stages are directly and indirectly affected by increasing temperature; increasing CO2 concentrations, and ocean acidification; spatial, temporal, and magnitude changes in secondary production and spawning; and the synergistic effects of fishing and climate change. We highlight how these and other factors affect not only larval survivorship, but also the dispersal of planktonic eggs and larvae, and thus the connectivity and replenishment of fish subpopulations. While much of this work is in its infancy and many consequences are speculative or entirely unknown, new modeling approaches are proving to be insightful by predicting how early life stage survival may change in the future and how such changes will impact economically and ecologically important fish populations.


Llopiz, J.K., R.K. Cowen, M.J. Hauff, R. Ji, P.L. Munday, B.A. Muhling, M.A. Peck, D.E. Richardson, S. Sogard, and S. Sponaugle. 2014. Early life history and fisheries oceanography: New questions in a changing world. Oceanography 27(4):26–41, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.84.

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