Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 16 Issue 03

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Volume 16, No. 3
Pages 7 - 7


Comments by the Guest Editor

By Kevin Hardy 
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On September 26, 2003, Scripps Institution of Oceanography celebrates its centennial. During the past 100 years, this oldest of American graduate programs in oceanography contributed greatly to lifting the fog of misconception that had drifted across centuries of the global exploration of the oceans—the life they hold at every depth, their importance to people everywhere. Long thought of as simply a source of food or a highway between nations, we now understand how the seas intimately interact with an ocean of air above, affecting climate and moderating atmospheric composition, while obscuring unique geophysical forces at work below.

The stories in this issue offer a sampling of the broad range of work conducted over a broad span of time by a great number of researchers at Scripps, along with their colleagues from around the globe.

The concept of this special Scripps Centennial issue began with legendary Scripps geophysicist Walter Munk. Plans solidified quickly with encouragement from Jim Yoder at the National Science Foundation and Rick Spinrad, then at the Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy.

Severe California state funding problems made the journey much more difficult, but ultimately not impossible.

This issue was produced with the help of some very fine people at critical moments. At The Oceanography Society, they include Rick Spinrad, Jenny Ramarui, and Elizabeth Tirpak.

The Editorial Committee comprised Scripps scientists Ken Melville, Mike Latz, and Myrl Hendershott who helped determine the balance of scientific disciplines and content. Ken and Mike helped review each manuscript, making numerous constructive suggestions. Technical editor was Marianne Maggini, whose patience rivals any saint, and whose clear notion of theme kept the issue cohesive. Scripps Associate Editor Dora Dalton assisted in copyediting, and whose attention to detail was second to none. Scripps Deputy Director Tom Collins and Assistant Deputy Director Doug Bennett are due ribbons for their skill in navigating through the budget shoals.

We especially thank the many authors who contributed to this volume. They labored with the best of intentions to produce a readable and accurate accounting. I know it was difficult for each author to pick a representative sample, and painful to leave many names out—but to include them all would have only produced a phonebook.

As the gusts of September build this year, we invite you to join the celebration as Scripps Institution of Oceanography crosses a dateline and sails surely into its second century of exploration, discovery, and adventure.

— Kevin Hardy, Guest Editor


Hardy, K. 2003. Comments by the Guest Editor. Oceanography 16(3):7, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2003.22.

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