Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 16 Issue 01

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Volume 16, No. 1
Pages 20 - 29


Beyond the Freedom of the Seas: Ocean Policy for the Third Millennium

By Michael Orbach 
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I had the great fortune to know and to work with Roger Revelle. I did not work with him on science, but rather on issues of the relationship between science and policy-making, and on the educational process through which ocean professionals of the future should be trained. For all of his grounding in natural science, Roger was a "big thinker" in many areas including those I mention. In this lecture, I will build on Roger's ideas and, with a great deal of humility, point to what I perceive to be the their boundedness in the time Roger lived and worked.


Orbach, M. 2003. Fourth Annual Roger Revelle Lecture—Beyond the freedom of the seas: Ocean policy for the third millennium. Oceanography 16(1):20–29, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2003.55.

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